need to repent for recovery to be long lasting End time Prophecy 2012-2013: Philippines recovery of short duration!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Achieving Your Dreams
by Jim Rohn
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A Red Ferrari having tires changed. One symbol of achievement for people who were able to own one. |
( As you well know, Jim Rohn is my #1 virtual mentor. It is unfortunate that I never got to meet the man. We are lucky that the people behind continues to share his widom and legacy. This article is one of those that makes you think hard and act to achieve whatever you desire most in your life. Read On. To Your Success! )
While most people spend most of their lives struggling to
earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way.
Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily working at
building and enjoying a fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them.
And here sits the much larger group, wondering how life can be so unfair, so
complicated and unjust. What’s the major difference between the little group
with so much and the larger group with so little?
Despite all of the factors that affect our lives—like the
kind of parents we have, the schools we attended, the part of the country we
grew up in—none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our
ability to dream.
Dreams are a projection of the kind of life you want to
lead. Dreams can drive you. Dreams can make you skip over obstacles. When you
allow your dreams to pull you, they unleash a creative force that can overpower
any obstacle in your path. To unleash this power, though, your dreams must be
well defined. A fuzzy future has little pulling power. Well-defined dreams are
not fuzzy. Wishes are fuzzy. To really achieve your dreams, to really have your
future plans pull you forward, your dreams must be vivid.
If you’ve ever hiked a 14,000-foot peak in the Rocky
Mountains, one thought has surely come to mind: “How did the settlers of this
country do it?” How did they get from the East Coast to the West Coast?
Carrying one day’s supply of food and water is hard enough. Can you imagine
hauling all of your worldly goods with you... mile after mile, day after day,
month after month? These people had big dreams. They had ambition. They didn’t
focus on the hardship of getting up the mountain.
In their minds, they were already on the other side–their
bodies just hadn’t gotten them there yet! Despite all of their pains and
struggles, all of the births and deaths along the way, those who made it to the
other side had a single vision: to reach the land of continuous sunshine and
extraordinary wealth. To start over where anything and everything was possible.
Their dreams were stronger than the obstacles in their way.
You’ve got to be a dreamer. You’ve got to envision the
future. You’ve got to see California while you’re climbing 14,000-foot peaks.
You’ve got to see the finish line while you’re running the race. You’ve got to
hear the cheers when you’re in the middle of a monster project. And you’ve got
to be willing to put yourself through the paces of doing the uncomfortable
until it becomes comfortable. Because that’s how you realize your dreams.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Today is Yesterday’s Tomorrow
Sometimes we are so pre- occupied at thinking about what the future holds we forget that what will bring us there is the moment we are currently in. It is the only partial control that we have of what will be the result or how it will look like. Nobody says it better than Jim Rohm..hope you absorb it and may you arrive at a better tomorrow by reading it. Enjoy!
By Jim Rohn
When the game of life is finally over, there is no second chance to correct our errors. The clock that is ticking away the moments of our lives does not care about winners and losers. It does not care about who succeeds or who fails. It does not care about excuses, fairness or equality. The only essential issue is how we played the game.
When the game of life is finally over, there is no second chance to correct our errors. The clock that is ticking away the moments of our lives does not care about winners and losers. It does not care about who succeeds or who fails. It does not care about excuses, fairness or equality. The only essential issue is how we played the game.
Regardless of a person's current age, there is a sense of urgency that should drive them into action now—this very moment. We should be constantly aware of the value of each and every moment of our lives - moments that seem so insignificant that their loss often goes unnoticed.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Words to Help You Make Your Millions
1. Tough times don't last. Tough people do.
2. Don't waste time on things you can't change.
3. Business deals start and end with people - the
interaction of flesh and blood, bone and sinew, heart and mind, emotion and
4. During Quantum growth, any problem you solve will be
replaced immediately by a larger, more complicated problem
5. You won't always have all the answers. Only take
seriously the advice of others whom you greatly respect.
6. Plan for success. With no back-up plans, no Plan B's, no
ripcords, no fail-safes - OR YOU WILL FAIL!
7. BECOME MORE DISCIPLINED. The pain of discipline hurts
less than the pain of regret.
8. If you want to change, first YOU have to change.
9. A man who dwells on his past, robs his future.
10. Business opportunities abound - but formidable barriers
exist. And the biggest barrier is psychological. It is YOU!
learn to navigate troubled waters.
12. From chaos comes order. In chaos is opportunity.
13. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results.
14. Your doubts are not the product of accurate thinking,
but habitual thinking.
15. Business should not run smoothly while you're taking
Quantum Leap. Chaos is normal. The business on quiet waters is still in the
more to come
.,..,,.,hope this inspires and enlightens you
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Great Leadership Challenge
The bee at work at a sunflower in Burnham Park in Baguio City |
by Jim Rohn
( I have been through highs and lows in my career. One thing constant though is my belief that I am a leader and a good one at that. I have led from as many as thirty-three engineers at one point and three nationalities at another. I am at a point in my career that I am not exercising much leading as I don't have subordinates reporting under me. Still, the leadership growth is a never ending process ...the only time I will stop being a student is when I have come to the end of my journey on this earth. Let's keep growing! )
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the
key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to
attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner,
as a manager, as a parent. What’s important in leadership is refining your
skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become
effective. Here are some specifics:
Learn to be strong but not impolite. It is an extra step you
must take to become a powerful, capable leader with a wide range of reach. Some
people mistake rudeness for strength. It’s not even a good substitute.
Next, learn to be kind but not weak. We must not mistake
weakness for kindness. Kindness isn’t weak. Kindness is a certain type of
strength. We must be kind enough to tell someone the truth. We must be kind
enough and considerate enough to lay it on the line. We must be kind enough to
tell it like it is and not deal in delusion.
Next, learn to be bold but not a bully. It takes boldness to
win the day. To build your influence, you’ve got to walk in front of your
group. You’ve got to be willing to take the first arrow, tackle the first
problem, discover the first sign of trouble. Like the farmer, if you want any
rewards at harvest time, you have got to be bold and face the weeds and the
rain and the bugs straight on. You’ve got to seize the moment.
Here’s the next step. You’ve got to learn to be humble but
not timid. You can’t get to the high life by being timid. Some people mistake
timidity for humility. But humility is a virtue; timidity is a disease. It’s an
affliction. It can be cured, but it is a problem.
In addition to reading and listening, you also need a chance
to do some talking and sharing. I have some people in my life who help me with
important life questions, who assist me in refining my own philosophy, weighing
my values and pondering questions about success and lifestyle.
Humility is almost a God-like word. A sense of awe. A sense
of wonder. An awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that
there is something unique about the human drama versus the rest of life.
Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the
feeling that we’re part of the stars.
Here’s a good tip: Learn to be proud but not arrogant. It
takes pride to build your ambitions. It takes pride in your community. It takes
pride in a cause, in accomplishment. But the key to becoming a good leader is
to be proud without being arrogant.
Do you know the worst kind of arrogance? Arrogance from
ignorance. It’s intolerable. If someone is smart and arrogant, we can tolerate
that. But if someone is ignorant and arrogant, that’s just too much to take.
The next step is learning to develop humor without folly. In
leadership, we learn that it’s okay to be witty but not silly; fun but not
Next, deal in realities. Deal in truth. Save yourself the
agony of delusion. Just accept life as it is. Life is unique. The whole drama
of life is unique. It’s fascinating.
Life is unique. Leadership is unique. The skills that work
well for one leader may not work at all for another. However, the fundamental
skills of leadership can be adopted to work well for just about everyone: at
work, in the community, and at home.
To Your Success! See you at the finish line my friend =)